Saturday, April 28, 2012


Patterns occurring currently in the world:

1.      Couples are delaying marriage.
2.      Couples are having fewer children.
3.      There are unwed births occurring.
4.      There is more premarital sex.
5.      Couples are living together before married.
6.      There are more single parent homes.
7.      There is more abuse happening.
8.      More mothers are going to work, instead of staying home with their child.
Patterns the Lord has established for strong marriages and families:

1.      Man and women should be lawfully married.
2.      Parents should provide love and care for their children.
3.      Parents should provide spiritual and physical needs.
4.      The mother is the primary nurture for the family.
5.      The father is to preside over the family.
6.      The father is to protect the family.
7.      Parents should teach children to love and serve one other.
8.      Parents should obey the commandments and to be law abiding citizens.

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