Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I think my parents were authoritarian. They gave me rules and limits. But they talked and communicated with me. They weren't demanding or overly strict and they weren't letting me just be free and do whatever either. They had a good balance going.
At times it was hard because I thought they were overly strict. But they were just having my best interest at heart. They knew what was best for me and that is why they gave me rules and limits and expected me to live up to them. I think they were very good parents. I know that Ill parents some what like them. But I will change a few things.
For me I want to be a parent that sets boundaries and has expectations for my children. I want to communicate with them. I want that relationship with my children that they can come to me for anything and tell me about personal issues they are excited about or struggling with. ( I did not have that kind of relationship with my parents.) When disciplining my children I want to be firm but friendly.
In class we talked about how many parents are one or the other, and rarely both. I think it is important to have both. To know what is expected of them but to feel love at the same time. I think it might be hard for a lot of parents to understand that concept and to grasp it and use it.

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