Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dealing with crises

Lots of bad things can happen to a family. Satan is determined to tare the family apart as best he can.
It can be hard to know what to do in certain situation and how to react and take on a problem that has hit the home.
About two years ago things in my family seemed like it was a never ending crisis. My dad lost his job, my mom started a new job, my oldest sister came out to my parents, my other sister was getting married, my brother got sent home from his mission and I was heading off to college. A lot of problems came up from all the thing that were going on. It was so hard on my parents not just emotionally but financially. 
However, it was kind of a blessing for some of the things that had happened. We were blessed that my mom found a job and that my sister was getting married and that I was going to college. It was a blessing my brother got sent home because we weren't able to pay for it. He came home for a year and worked. He was able to earn money and go back to complete his mission. The whole two years he was out my dad was still unemployed. It was still a tough time, but we were blessed. Even though my sister came out, in a way it brought the family closer because we cared about her and wanted her to know that we loved her. 

I think that it is all about how we react and deal with the problems we are given and it makes a difference in the out come. Good or bad. 

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