Wednesday, July 18, 2012


A couple of weeks ago we talked about whether or not we will have or mom be in the delivery room with us. At first I was all for my mom being in there with me and supporting me. But after talking about it and discussing it in class, I don't want my mom in the room with me.
Having the bond as a new family is very important. When the mom is in the room it can become a mother daughter and new baby bond. When it should be mom dad and new baby.
Its sad because a lot of times the dad gets pushed a side when a new baby come. And it shouldn't be like that. Each parents plays a key role in the babies life and has a new relationship with their spouse because of the baby. So the experience should bring you closer not pull you apart.

Dealing with crises

Lots of bad things can happen to a family. Satan is determined to tare the family apart as best he can.
It can be hard to know what to do in certain situation and how to react and take on a problem that has hit the home.
About two years ago things in my family seemed like it was a never ending crisis. My dad lost his job, my mom started a new job, my oldest sister came out to my parents, my other sister was getting married, my brother got sent home from his mission and I was heading off to college. A lot of problems came up from all the thing that were going on. It was so hard on my parents not just emotionally but financially. 
However, it was kind of a blessing for some of the things that had happened. We were blessed that my mom found a job and that my sister was getting married and that I was going to college. It was a blessing my brother got sent home because we weren't able to pay for it. He came home for a year and worked. He was able to earn money and go back to complete his mission. The whole two years he was out my dad was still unemployed. It was still a tough time, but we were blessed. Even though my sister came out, in a way it brought the family closer because we cared about her and wanted her to know that we loved her. 

I think that it is all about how we react and deal with the problems we are given and it makes a difference in the out come. Good or bad. 


In the family there needs to be communications. It can be very frustrating when one person wants to talk and the other doesn't or doesn't know how to.
I think that communication is very important in a relationship and in a family. It helps lets each other know what is going on and how you are feeling about certain situations that are going on.
In my family there was very little communication going on. We never talked about serious topics. If we did we just hit the surface of a subject. This really had an emotional toll on me. Growing up I didn't know how to talk about my feelings or deal with them in a good way. It was hard.
That is why I want to have good communication with my future spouse and children. Its something that can be hard but worth it because I think communication ties almost everything back together for a good relationship.


I think my parents were authoritarian. They gave me rules and limits. But they talked and communicated with me. They weren't demanding or overly strict and they weren't letting me just be free and do whatever either. They had a good balance going.
At times it was hard because I thought they were overly strict. But they were just having my best interest at heart. They knew what was best for me and that is why they gave me rules and limits and expected me to live up to them. I think they were very good parents. I know that Ill parents some what like them. But I will change a few things.
For me I want to be a parent that sets boundaries and has expectations for my children. I want to communicate with them. I want that relationship with my children that they can come to me for anything and tell me about personal issues they are excited about or struggling with. ( I did not have that kind of relationship with my parents.) When disciplining my children I want to be firm but friendly.
In class we talked about how many parents are one or the other, and rarely both. I think it is important to have both. To know what is expected of them but to feel love at the same time. I think it might be hard for a lot of parents to understand that concept and to grasp it and use it.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Blended Families.

I think it is important for the parents to talk about this and the roles they have. Its important for them to know that they have a time frame before things will be normal. I really like that that the step parent act as a good aunt or uncle, I think it would help the relationship between the parent and child. Things to remember as a blended family...
  • It will take two years for normalcy
  • Biological parent needs to be the heavy disciplinarian
  • Step parent needs to be similar to a really good aunt/uncle
  • Both parents discuss and make rules

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Dating                  Marriage
Planned   <------->  Preside
Paid for   <-------->  Provide
Paired off <------->  Protect

I know we had this example shown to us a while ago. But it really left an impression on me. It was like and oh yeah duh kind of thing.

But I think its so true how we need to do these both when dating and in our marriages. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Its so important for families to keep a budget and keep track of where their money is coming and going to. Its also important for the parents to teach their children at a young age to budget.

When I was young my parents gave me a box bank. It had a slot for tithing, bank, and self. They take me that tithing needs to be paid first and then half to the bank and then the rest was mine to spend. It was hard to always do that when I was growing up. Putting so much in the bank and never touching it till college. I didnt understand the concept till I actually came to college. It was very smart of my parents to do so because  it helped pay for lots of expenses that I didnt even realize I would have had.

It important for families to have a budget so that they can know how much they have and what they can do with it. Its really hard to get out of debt but very easy to end up in debt.